Sunday, September 21, 2008

Focus on the Family

At the risk of becoming one of "those" bloggers, I'd like to dedicate today's post to presidential politics.

Personally, I think that so called "Christian morality" has no place in politics. I was furious to see the Republicans attacking President Clinton over his extra marital affairs. I do think that it was OK to impeach Clinton for lying about Lewinski, but I don't think it was kosher to ask him about it under oath in the first place.

Since oh-so-many republicans thought it was a good idea to elect George W. Bush because he was "a good man," I ask you, is John McCain "a good man"? I'll give you a hint: here's a picture of his first wife Carol. She actively campaigned for John to be released from Hanoi and stayed faithful to him while he was in Vietnam for 4 years.

Here's a picture of John McCain's second wife Cindy. I won't dwell on the fact that he traded in his old model for the newer, prettier one, but I do find it inappropriate that he didn't wait until he was divorced before he started dating Heiress Barbie. So I ask you, Mr. Dobson, what is the greater threat to traditional marriage: homosexuals who want to practice monogamy, or heterosexuals who don't?

In an ideal world, enough Republicans would realize that their candidates are dirtbags, and then the Christian right could stop adulterating our politics with fallacious religious sentiments. Until that day comes, however, I suppose it would be alright with me if they wanted to vote for the more moral of the two candidates.


annie (the annilygreen one) said...

amen...amen. and didn't the new mrs. mccain steal prescription drugs from the charity she worked with? and democrats have morality issues? sheesh. i think you'd like this post...

Amber said...


Anonymous said...

You know, lately McCain has been scaring me more and more each day.

direfloyd said...

I know you just posting this because if you dare say anything about Obama in South Chicago, where you happen to be now, they'll come for you... kidding! =)